Jul 07 2017

After a six-week break, Live, Love & Eat in Sayulita is back, and I am very excited to be back! I took the time to try out new recipes, and found some exciting new ones for you to make in your Sayulita kitchen. I've discovered an absolutely wonderful alternative to maiz (corn) or harina (wheat) tortillas, and you will never guess what it is! Do you know the root vegetable called JICAMA? It makes a great tortilla shell for any taco. How is that possible you ask? It is so easy and I am sure that you will love Jicama Tortilla Tacos!

My husband bought me a beautiful jicama, found in almost every tienda in Sayulita. Buy one that will give you the size tortilla you would like to make, and gauge by the center diameter. I don't have a meat slicer at my house so I thought that I would ask at a carneceria that had a meat slicer to see if they would slice it for me, never dreaming that this would be a reality. The wonderful gentleman at Carneceria Miramar was totally into trying to see if he could create what I was looking for. Low and behold, he did it! We peeled the jicama. He asked us to do that and then he did sample cuts to achieve the thickness we wanted. Perfect!

There is really no specific recipe to share, as there are so many fillings you can use in these jicama tortillas, and my goodness they are delicious. Crispy, juicy, fresh tasting, and pliable so that they hold any filling you may choose to use. I made a few different fillings, but really anything you would like to make into a taco is great.

I bought a can of chipolte chili peppers in adobo sauce and mashed one chili until it was a smooth paste. You can buy this at Alas BlancasAdd a small amount of your mashed chili to some mayonnaise, a little bit at a time, until it has the taste and the heat you like. Then add a squeeze of fresh lime juice, again to taste. This is now your delicious sauce. You can grill any fish of your choice and add to the jicama shells with some shredded cabbage, lettuce, or even carmelized onions. Top it all with some of the yummy chipotle mayonnaise you made.

Make a delicious guacamole with mashed avocado and finely minced jalapeno and mango. Use leftove thinly sliced steak, shredded lettuce, and mango guacamole, a roasted chicken (pollo rosticero) that you shred, go vegetarian with thinly sliced veggies, raw or lightly sautéed, and some grated cheese. I love Manchego cheese. Be creative! Anything goes! 

I am very confident that you will love this alternative to maiz or harina tortillas.They are definitely my new favorite! 

Stay tuned for a new delicious breakfast treat in the next issue of El Sayulero!