The First Phase of the IMPLAN Proposal Has Been Blocked

The First Phase of the IMPLAN Proposal Has Been Blocked

As of Thursday, Feb 4, 2021, the first phase of the IMPLAN proposal for Nayarit has been blocked and cannot move forward in its current iteration. We would like to thank all of you for your donations and recognize the tireless work of a few members on the Pro Sayulita Board of Directors. Without their tenacity, this would not have been possible. We also would like to thank the almost 1000 people who signed the petition. Without those signatures, none of this would have come to fruition.


When word of the proposed 2020 IMPLAN came to our attention, we quickly sprang into action. A petition was drawn up and over a two-day period, we gathered almost 1000 signatures! The petition and signatures were notarized and presented to City Council in Valle de Banderas within the specified timeline. We also worked with other AC’s and various other business groups in the area from Punta de Mita to San Pancho, to put up a defense and coalition to fight this proposal. These were like minded groups who were in alliance with stopping the IMPLAN as it was being constructed, its structural illegality and the ramifications for the environment. Our sustainable environment would have been destroyed. In addition to the increase in building and population, our very, very rare and protected dry deciduous rainforest would have been imperiled in direct of violation Federal Law.


The 2020 IMPLAN would have increased density in Sayulita by 787% from what is currently built. It would allow structures of 7-9 stories on the beach front, from the 200 Hwy on the Punta de Mita Road to Revolucion and along the north end of Revolucion, roughly to where the bus station is currently located. In addition, the plan would allow for 7 stories on the south end of Revolucion as well.

We have only built 20% of what the current density plan from 2002 allows. The current plan allows for green space within the town and protects our forests and environment. (See image below).

It is important to note that IMPLAN is all about over development. We need to curtail that. Over development will eventually lead to “over tourism”. We need to present a plan that includes a population capacity for the town, its’ infrastructure, its’ beaches and its’ environment. If Sayulita becomes over built, real estate prices will fall dramatically.

The following link goes to the summary of all the legal and political work we have been doing:

The graphic above shows the density allowed in 2002 in blue. The green area is what has been developed up until 2019 (20% of the blue area). The red zone shows what the 2020 IMPLAN proposal would have included.

We need your continued support to make certain that we will be able to make a Plan Partial, a development plan, for the town which may also include San Pancho and Lo de Marcos. Additional lobbying efforts, legal efforts and technical work must be done so that we can present a plan on behalf of the town that represents sustainable development, a high standard of living and environmental protection.

We trust we can count on you for your continued support. Our fight has just begun, and we are getting stronger. Together, we can work to save our environment and our beloved Sayulita. Donations can be made by clicking on the following link:

                       Save Sayulita     

Or by visiting our website at:

The good news is, we have won our first battle, but still have a long way to go! Your kind and generous donations will help us to continue with this valuable work.

Board of Directors