Sayulita Life’s June Donation Recipients* — Galvines Vigilantes & Luis Verdin’s Group, “La Huerta”

june donation

Sayulita Life’s June Donation Recipients* — Galvines Vigilantes & Luis Verdin’s Group, “La Huerta”

Sayulita Life’s recipient of our monthly donation for June was split between two groups: the Gavilanes Vigilantes and Luis Verdin’s Group, “La Huerta”. The Gavilanes Vigilantes have been volunteering to protect our pueblo during the outbreak of Covid-19 by guarding filters and security checkpoints to ensure our town remained safe & secure. Sayulita Life’s donation to this group, for the second month in a row, went toward purchasing food & supplies to help sustain the volunteers working long, tiring shifts, 24 hours a day.

Luis Verdin is a Sayulita local who created the group “La Huerta”. His primary goal is to buy fresh fruit and vegetables at lower costs directly from the producers, in order to then create food baskets at reduced prices for those in economic need here in Sayulita. Sayulita Life’s donation went toward purchasing 25 bags of fruits and vegetables which helped 25 local families in need.

Since April 4th, 2020, the Gavilanes Vigilantes have been helping to protect Sayulita since the pueblo was ordered to shut down tourism as a result of the onset of Covid-19. As a preventative measure, the Vigilantes helped to turn away hundreds of vehicles & tourists, and ensured that only locals or essential workers were entering and exiting the pueblo. On April 6th, 2020, it was reported that the Gavilanes turned around 300+ cars within just the first three days of working the security check-points. The group announced via Facebook that their plan to patrol the entrances would last until April 30th, 2020, working in cooperating with the help of federal police and municipalities. However, after talk in early May 2020 about the Gavilanes retiring from the check-points and handing over full control to the authorities, the decision was made for the Vigilantes to remain at the security filters for almost a month longer, and to continue in making sure only residents and essential workers would be allowed access to Sayulita. Sayulita life’s donation helped to sustain food and supplies for this group during this time.

The Vigilantes are a volunteer group made up of over 50 local Sayulita residents. Since the month of April they have been working long, tiresome shifts, 24 hours a day, and have shown extreme dedication and loyalty to Sayulita’s safety and security. Sayulita Life is proud to have helped donate to this group over the last few months.

Luis Verdin’s group “La Huerta” was created just a few weeks ago with the goal to get fresh produce at reduced prices to those in financial need during this time. At first, Verdin wanted to help our community with this project by giving jobs to his 24 employees from Versa Premium Transportation who all lost their jobs due to Covid-19. But now, Verdin says he would like to turn this project into something bigger, like some kind of food bank foundation which could function all year-round, and where other members and businesses could join and help as an official group. Verdin’s group puts together fruit and vegetable baskets at a reduced cost of just $100 pesos per basket, by going directly to the source and then bringing the food here to Sayulita, cutting out the middleman. Verdin claims it is cheaper to the consumer to do this. Then, the group works to deliver these baskets to those who are struggling financially or economically. As of May 21st, 2020, Verdin’s group had already delivered 1,306 bags of fruits and vegetables, and thanks to Sayulita Life’s donation, they were able to help 25 more families who are in need, and get them free baskets. There are many more people who are struggling and who could use extra support, Verdin says. He says that people with no income are waiting in line every day hoping someone will buy them a basket for free.

If you would also like to help Verdin’s cause, please visit their website, or check out their Facebook Page.

*Since its founding in 2004, has been dedicated to giving back to the community of Sayulita. In our 15th year as a company, Sayulita Life has created the “Giving Fund”, where we have pledged to donate $5,000 pesos EVERY MONTH to a local charity or cause. Read more at



Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri