Sayulita Life’s $5000 Donation Recipients: Azul Sayu, A.C is very happy to support Azul Sayu, A.C. this month, and we hope you will too during their current online fundraising efforts to continue reducing trash. The $5000 donation will go towards setting up the 2023 recycling program, and allow for recycling to continue in Sayulita.
Azul Sayu, formally known as “Centro de Reciclaje de Sayulita”, is our local, not-for-profit recycling program. Approximately 50% of our trash can be recycled in Mexico and Azul Sayu focuses on local education to reduce and recycle and provides local recycling services. Donations are tax-deductible in the US and can be made HERE. All donations are tax deductible in the US.

Azul Sayu was created five years ago with the goal of significantly reducing trash in Sayulita by promoting the reduction and reuse of items and providing recycling services in town. The recent name change highlights the organizations’ current and future goals of including local conservation efforts to ensure our amazing ocean remains blue and clean and that our jungles remain green and thriving!
In this last year alone, Azul Sayu was able to expand services to include San Ignacio, provide free educational services to local schools and businesses, recycle bins and pick-up services for schools in Sayulita and San Ignacio and expand our public collection sites, Punto Azules. In addition, in 2022, the number of recycling bins in town doubled! Azul Sayu continues to work closely with restaurants and homes to reduce consumption and be conscious of how products are purchased.
During the high season, the program recycles a TON of plastics, glass, and cardboard. In an effort to increase recycling options on our main beach, Azul Sayu has partnered with Campamento Mar y Vida Summer Camp to restore and reinstall an amazing fish sculpture that can collect plastic bottles and keep them out of our oceans and landfills! Come visit Mi Chula the next time you are in town to see the installation! Azul Sayu operates 6 days a week with 3 full-time staff and 2 vehicles.
Items are collected sorted and all recycled in Mexico, making this a sustainable process!Additional program information can be found at: