October Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation: Sayulita Premature Baby In Need of Intensive Care
Sayulita Life gives back to the community every month by donating $5,000 to a local cause or charity in need. Sayulita Life has chosen Ricardo Moreno and Rosa Barazza and baby Aurelio as the recipients this month.
Rosa and Ricardo have experienced an intense life-changing event that prompted the need for financial support. On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, at 12:05 pm, in Bucerias, Mexico, they received their son, Aurelio, born at just 28 weeks.

They had scheduled the monthly gynecological visit for that same morning and had been planning a home birth. In the early morning of that Tuesday, Rosa started to feel contractions and began to bleed. They contacted the gynecologist right away, and she instructed the couple to go immediately to a twenty-four-hour pharmacy to get medicine to stop contractions. They did not have that medicine in stock. Rosa and Mario then met the doctor as soon as possible at her office. When the doctor examined Rosa, she found that Rosa was 4 cm dilated. The doctor could not stop the contractions. Rosa went to the nearest hospital, which was a private hospital, CMQ, in Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico.
Aurelioweighed only 1.8 lbs at birth. He was breathing on his own, but in a short time, because of his premature condition causing lack of muscle and lung formation, he tired quickly and he was intubated before he began to spasm. He has been in the prenatal intensive care unit up to now.
Aurelio’s kidneys, digestion, and liver are all working normally. His stomach is still in the process of activating. Doctors will know more about his brain condition in the next week, but the initial tests show promising results.

Aurelio is particularly fragile and it is critical for him to continue to have quality prenatal intensive hospital care.
Financial costs and putting their home/business property for collateral:
The financial costs of prenatal intensive care have been astronomical for the family. Rosa and Mario have accrued 340,000 pesos ($17,000usd) in medical costs. They continue to accrue approximately 40,000 pesos ($2000usd) per day. The lead Doctor, Dr. Vicente Marquez anticipates Aurelio will be needing hospital care for 4 months. At that rate, the family could accrue over 4,000,000 pesos ($200,000usd) in medical bills.
To keep Aurelio at CMQ, Rosa and Mario have given a copy of their titled property to use as collateral. This is the property Ricardo has been building on for the last 4 years to have a healing center and home. Ricardo started classes this month, and it is called Dulce Abejita Healing Arts Center.
Other options for Aurelio’s health care:
The other option that exists is to transport Aurelio to a public hospital. But from the result of the investigation, it is very concerning to move him to any of the public hospitals in this region. If transported, Aurelio’s hospital care will be compromised. He would be away from the prenatal intensive care unit and into a pediatric ward with children of all ages. He would receive less direct care from a specialist. The public hospitals are also overpopulated with fewer nurses available, there is more risk of infection, and Covid continues to be an issue.

So, here they are asking for help.
Aurelio is becoming more and more stable every day and the doctors are expressing confidence that he will get through this with no mental or physical issues. Rosa and Mario are committed to keeping him in good, nurturing hospital care.
Ricardo has been creating Dulce Abejita Healing Arts Center for years, and it has been a dream of his to support those who come to this center to cultivate and promote healing practices. They will not only be losing their home if they have to use their property to pay Aurelio’s medical bills, but the community will be losing a vital resource. If you are able to make a donation, please visit the Go Get funding page to donate.
Written/Edited by Amy Rose Pearson