September’s Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation*: Ser Su Voz, Sayulita A.C.

ser su voz

September’s Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation*: Ser Su Voz, Sayulita A.C.

This month’s recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 donation is Ser Su Voz, Sayulita A.C. (Association Civil). Ser Su Voz Sayulita A.C. is a local community group which  was formally created this past March of 2019. The initial founder of the group is Sayulita local and passionate environmental advocate, Tracie Willis, but the group includes five other members: Erik Luna, Luisa Viteri, Candelario Salaz, Cesar Gonzalez, and Enrique Michel. Along with assisting in local causes related to helping preserve and protect our environment, Ser Su Voz has created several initiatives for our community and in helping our eco-systems.

Ser Su Voz received an official new office last month, in July of 2019. This is a huge step forward for the group in order to better function and manage as a proper association, however the office was in desperate need of supplies and materials in order to be proficient on a professional level. The $5,000 donation from Sayulita Life will go directly toward purchasing office supplies and materials to help the group to attain their goal of efficiency and to help them run their association more smoothly.

The mission of Ser Su Voz Sayulita A.C. is to contain the destruction of our natural resources, and attempt to reverse the process of environmental deterioration we see happening in our community. The group is made up of five legal/ official members on paper with PROFEPA, or  “Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente”, but has fourteen passionate members who volunteer their valuable time for the group. 

The Mission of Ser Su Voz is to “have an emphasis on education and the respect that must be given to the world in which we live, not to abuse what we have, and always do it with the respect that the environment deserves. With the help of several associations like ours, we will plan dynamics regarding recycling, the correct use of materials and the use of biodegradable products.” In addition to advocating for and addressing our community’s environmental needs, the group has already tackled many campaigns to try to improve our pueblo, such as recovering the estuary, creating animal rescue shelters, organizing the planting of trees, getting more trash cans and recycling receptacles to our busy streets and beaches, and creating the “Linea Verde” or  “Green Line” for locals to send in environmental complaints via email, or they can also call the line directly on the phone at 329-688-2372. The group has also partnered with our local schools to reduce the use of single use plastics, and assisting with beach and street clean ups. Now, with a functioning, professional office, the group can continue with its mission with more force, in having all the tools necessary to help keep Sayulita safe, clean, and environmentally conscious place to live and play.

For more information about Ser Su Voz Sayulita A.C, please visit their Facebook page.

*Since its founding in 2004, has been dedicated to giving back to the community of Sayulita. In our 15th year as a company, Sayulita Life has created the “Giving Fund”, where we have pledged to donate $5,000 pesos EVERY MONTH to a local charity or cause. Read more at


Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri

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