
Sayulita Yoga Center- Offering Iyengar Yoga in a Controlled & Calm Atmosphere

sayulita yoga studio

Sayulita Yoga Center- Offering Iyengar Yoga in a Controlled & Calm Atmosphere

Yoga can mean many different things to different people, and often it can feel overwhelming to find the right type of yoga or the right type of studio to meet your yoga needs. At Sayulita Yoga Center, Iyengar Yoga is the central practice. Because of its methodology, combined with the studio’s calming and controlled environment, the space is perfect to allow students to really focus and go inward without disturbance or distraction. Sayulita Yoga Center is the right choice for yogis looking to learn about yoga just as much as to practice and engage in it. I speak with the owner, Graziella, about the studio and the type of Yoga she offers in her space.

First can you tell readers a bit about yourself and when/why you opened Sayulita Yoga Center?

Twenty five years ago, our surfing lifestyle prompted myself and my partner to make the move from the UK to Sayulita. I am a UK Certified hairdresser, so not long after arriving in Sayulita I opened up my own business, (Jungle Hair Design). About 20 years ago (around the year 2001),  I began trying different types of yoga practices. I progressed through many yoga disciplines.Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Bikram, Power, Sivananda,Yin and more. However, Iyengar Yoga truly resonated with me, and in 2008 I began my teacher training in Iyengar Yoga.

What is your background experience, knowledge, and/or expertise in yoga?

Currently I am the only certified Iyengar teacher along the Bahía de Banderas coastline. I have been rigorously trained and hold a certification from the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), which is the heart and soul of Iyengar Yoga and is located in Pune, India. I continue to be mentored by senior teachers in the Iyengar field. Within Iyengar yoga, practice becomes a “meditation in action”, even if for only a short moment in time. I encourage our community to visit Sayulita Yoga Center and experience Iyengar Techniques which they can take and apply to their own life to manifest stability, flexibility, and poise.

What would you say is your philosophy of yoga?

Yoga is a daily exploration to see how the body feels. Each day is a new day as we discover the fluctuations of the mind. The key is to read ancient texts from the Pantajalim Yoga sutras, as it explains how yoga helps us to better oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

What makes your yoga studio unique, considering there are so many yoga studios or options for yoga in sayulita?

Throughout Sayulita there are many venues which offer yoga practice from dedicated instructors. However, Sayulita Yoga Center is the only purpose-built yoga studio in Sayulita. Iyengar teachers have been profoundly trained to find a way for the student to seek balance and alignment with ease, and to not feel pain in any pose. At the Center, we have a variety of props available to assist with poses including a rope wall. Furthermore, the Center is an enclosed, climate-controlled environment, free of bugs, external noise, and dust. There is plenty of on-site parking available, and just a 5 minute walk from the town and plaza.

What can clients expect who join your studio or take your classes?

Students of Iyengar Yoga can expect to learn about yoga. It is not a “follow me” style class. They will appreciate the care and attention they receive in our classes, therefore leaving them feeling valued.

Is there anything else you want readers to know about your Yoga Center, class schedule, or classes in general?

You can follow Sayulita Yoga Center on both Instagram and Facebook to find more information about us and our class schedule. We have different levels of classes, and all levels of yoga experience are welcome. We have the Introductory Class, which benefits those who are new to Yoga. In the Level 1 class, a full range of poses are included, and deep relaxation and Pranayama are introduced. Level 2 classes are similar to Level 1, except poses are held longer and more inversions are included. We also have Restorative Yoga which is meant to recharge the body. 

For more information about Sayulita Yoga Center, to see their class schedule, or to find answers to questions, please visit their Sayulita Life Web Page, or send them an email. 



*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri