Primaria Damian Carmona: Electrical Installation Overhaul Needed

Primaria Damian Carmona: Electrical Installation Overhaul Needed

Many of you may remember when I started my journey last year at the beginning of the school year at Primaria Damian Carmona in Sayulita. With your help and donations we have accomplished many things; 70 new desks were purchased, the lunch area roof was repaired, a wash area was constructed, plastic dishes were purchased, disposables were eliminated, flood lights were purchased and installed, the exterior wall was beautifully painted, small plumbing and electrical repairs were made, rubber mats for the bathrooms were added, 2 AC mini split units were donated, and the latest fundraiser will be used to repaint the entrance archway and fix one of the PE areas.

It has been so inspiring to see this community of Sayulita, and even some tourists, come together to support our children. A great difference can be seen at the Primaria, not only is it cleaner due to less trash, but the children are happier, as are the teachers and they all feel the love of the community. With only a couple months left before summer vacation, we face our greatest challenge yet!

The electrical installations at Primaria Damian Carmona have been faulty for some time. There is not enough power to run basic day to day things,  let alone the AC`s, in the classrooms that do have them. The two AC`s that were donated last year have not been able to be installed as the electric cannot handle them. As the heat rises, the children began to suffer it’s effects; they get rashes, their underarms get chaffed from the sweat, and they are generally uncomfortable. Last year a transformer blew and the meter exploded. Some patchwork wiring was done so that there would be basic electricity. But what is really needed is an overhaul, including a new transformer and wiring and an upgrade from Bifásica to trifásica from CFE.

Because it is a public school, certain guidelines must be followed. Edgar Emilio From SEPEN has approved the project. He will be coming to evaluate the situation next week. He has given us a list of CFE authorized engineers who can do the official evaluation. Their costs run between 10,000 and 15,000 pesos. We are getting estimates and proposals for those that are in this district.

After the engineer has done his evaluation and turned in all the necessary documentation, SEPEN will give us a list of materials. Once we have the Materials, SEPEN will provide the labor.

This project will be in three phases. The goal for the first phase is 15,000 pesos. Any extra not used on phase one will roll over to phase 2. I will post phase 2 goal once I have that amount. We are welcoming any donations, cash or anything that can be raffled or auctioned. There will also be events at the school, such as Noche Mexicana and Kermeses, so please stay posted. Phase 3, SEPEN will upgrade and fix the electrical at Primaria Damian Carmona.

If you would like to help the Children of Primaria Damian Carmona Please feel free to contact me, Jewel Myers, at: Mexican Cel: 322 109 7870, Mexican Paypal:, US Paypal: