Nayarit to be Plastic Free by 2021

nayarit plastic free

Nayarit to be Plastic Free by 2021

Many initiatives have been taking place in Sayulita recently to reduce our consumption of single use plastics. For example, numerous restaurants have banned the use of plastic straws, or found sustainable straw substitutes made of paper, metal, or bamboo. Furthermore, thanks to the efforts of local environmental groups like Ser Su Voz and Las Mujeres de Sayulita, many of our tiendas now offer reusable canvas bags or charge customers for plastic bags. Additionally, more and more restaurants now have biodegradable to-go containers or use paper bags instead of plastic. While all of these measures are great progress for our Pueblo of Sayulita, the entire state of Nayarit will now be joining the cause, and according to recent news, all of Nayarit will be plastic free by the year 2021.

In a recent article published May 13th, 2019, it states that “The Commission of Ecology and Environmental Protection…approved the opinion of the decree initiatives that reform and add the State Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection of the State of Nayarit.”

In the article, deputy Julieta Mejía Ibáñez of the Commission of Ecology and Environmental Protection, stated,”We seek that by 2021 disposable plastics will be strictly prohibited, and that fines be established by the competent authorities to those who do not comply. It is important to act, because if we do not do something, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish.”

According to the article, the first roll out of this initiative will aim to establish the legal proceedings and policies that will help businesses in the transition from the use of plastic bags or straws, to others made of biodegradable or sustainable materials. The same will be considered for Styrofoam packaging or containers. The next main focus would be to include in the law consideration for coastal ecosystems and to provide help to the state and municipalities to coordinate with the federal government.

The roll-out of this new initiative is expected to take place over the next two years, with the entire state of Nayarit completely prohibiting the use of single-use plastics in businesses and stores by 2021. To read the full article, please click here.


*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri