
LIVE, LOVE, & EAT In Sayulita: A Recipe for Pizza Roll ups

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LIVE, LOVE, & EAT In Sayulita: A Recipe for Pizza Roll ups

Are you trying to follow a low carb lifestyle? I am always googling and following low carb bloggers to find recipes for snacks that are low carb and delicious at the same time. Yesterday I came across a recipe for pizza roll ups that sounded easy and yummy — just 4 ingredients, and low carb pizza roll ups with no flour of any kind!? I just had to try them; my very well-stocked Sayulita kitchen already had the 4 ingredients I needed. 


  1. Slices of mozzarella cheese. (*I had provolone rounds in the fridge and they were the perfect size for a  rollup snack. 
  2. Pesto or marinara sauce. (*I had just made a fresh batch of homemade pesto so I used that. I make my homemade pesto with fresh basil, or “albahaca” in Español; fresh garlic cloves, raw organic cashews, or “Nunez de India”, Costco sells them in large containers, and of course, organic olive oil.)
    1. Put the garlic and nuts in the food processor and whirl till all is nicely ground.
    2. Pack in the basil & process till the basil is also ground. If it isn’t blending well. slowly drizzle in olive oil until you have made a pesto that can be fairly thick or loose; depending on how much oil you add. I like mine a bit thick so that I can use it as a sandwich spread.
  3. Any deli meat you have on hand. (*I had small slices of pepperoni. Also the other night I had barbecued a piece of arrachera and had a few slices left over so I also used it as one of the meats. 
  4. Italian seasoning 


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. On a parchment paper lined baking sheet, place as many slices of cheese as will fit. 
  3. Bake for approximately 6 minutes or until melted with the edges and bottom a nice golden brown. 
  4. Sprinkle a generous amount of Italian seasoning on the melted cheese.
  5. Add a thin layer of pesto and a few slices of the pepperoni, or whatever meat that you are using. 
  6. Let the cheese cool for about 2 minutes, and then roll up. 

You can serve these immediately, or store them in the fridge. They are delicious freshly made, or cold from the fridge! You can also use a marinara sauce to dip the rolls in. These are the perfect low carb, high fat snack! 

If you have any comments or questions please connect with me through my Sayulita Life web page. Any special requests for a specific recipe I will try to send to you, or possibly use it in a future column. I Love to hear from you!

Written by Karina Shecter