
Jenn Chivers- Professional Hair & Makeup Services in Sayulita

jenn chivers

Jenn Chivers- Professional Hair & Makeup Services in Sayulita

Many people come to the paradise of Sayulita for their special events, such as weddings, family reunions, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. There is no better way to pamper yourself on your important day than to treat yourself to professional hair and makeup services. Jenn Chivers, professional hair and makeup stylist in Sayulita, has years of experience in the field and specializes in getting you picture-perfect for your special occasion in Sayulita, whatever that day may be!

Jenn, first, can you tell readers a bit about yourself? How did you end up in Sayulita, and what do you love the most about it?

I was born and raised in Canada. I have always been a traveler, and I love learning about other cultures. My first trip to Sayulita was in February of 2013, and I was immediately hooked- so much so that my next trip to Sayulita (only six weeks later) included the purchase of a home! I love the sense of community here. People say hello to each other even if they don’t know one another; they are always ready to lend a hand if you need, and there is a strong sense of family here. As a fresh faced new home owner and starting to work mostly with weddings, I was grateful to every person who made the effort to make me feel at home and “teach me the ropes” so to speak. Having now been here for over six years, I’m still blown away by all the amazing people that I’ve met and that have somehow ended up in this small little beach town in Mexico, from the people who were born and raised here, to the people from all over the world who now call Sayulita home.

When did you first discover you had a passion for doing hair and makeup, and what experiences helped you over time to turn this into a profession for yourself?

I have always liked things to do with fashion, and was interested in hair and makeup as well. Fate kind of dropped the opportunity in my lap at the right time, and I ran with it. I’m a Red Seal Hairstylist, and while doing that, I was trained in makeup artistry through private classes/courses, and of course, tons of practice! I’ve also competed in live, as well as photography competitions for my hair and makeup work, and done commercial and runway work, all which have helped me to be of a more well rounded artist. My own personal experience working in the hospitality industry gave me many valuable skills that I can apply to my work today. My clients and the experience they get to have on their special day, or even the days leading up to it, is the number one thing I love most about the work I do.

What types of events could clients hire you for to do hair and makeup? What events do you mostly get hired for? I do hair and makeup for pretty much any event for someone that may want a little extra “umph” to their look. In addition, I’ve begun to offer on-site spray tanning for clients in case they weren’t able to get an appointment before they arrived to Sayulita. Primarily, I do weddings here in Mexico, but am always available for other types of bookings, like engagement photos, birthdays, family events, anniversaries, etc. The addition of a second hair and makeup team this year means more availability for potential clients. My team and I are ready for anything!

Would you say you have a specialty, or something you do best when working with a client? Any “signature looks”?

I think my specialty is not even so much the type of services I give because I love doing all types of hair and makeup, but more so in the service itself. I bring a relaxed feeling to what I do, which is important on days that can sometimes be emotionally charged for clients. I like to ensure that my clients have a really great, positive day. The hair and makeup will look even better on a relaxed and happy client! I do a lot of “natural” looks, but truthfully, I just love being creative and designing a look that suits my individual clients’ needs or wants.

What do you enjoy the most about doing hair and makeup for clients?

I love meeting people and hearing their stories! To me, doing someone’s hair and makeup is a very personal thing; we get to know each other well. I’ve met so many amazing people who have helped shape me into who I am today both as an artist and a person. I’m pretty fortunate to be able to do something for a living that I love so much.

Sometimes people are scared to “give control” to others when it comes to how they look. Why should someone hire you for hair and make up?

Getting hair and makeup done can be the most intimidating thing for people. Truthfully, I don’t want anyone to feel like they don’t have control over how they look. I always make sure my clients are clear on what the final look will be, and that they are comfortable and happy with it. Hiring a professional to do your hair and makeup for an event, especially a wedding, is money well invested; it takes the pressure off, so there is no worry that something will go sideways, set you behind schedule, or add stress to an already potentially stressful and busy time. Many of my clients’ hair and skin react differently once they get to Sayulita due to the heat or humidity, so the products I have stocked in my kit are suitable for the conditions, whereas some products that clients may have great success with in their home won’t have the same result here. I have literally done close to 1,000 weddings, so I am very well versed in the small details that will make your service go smoothly and will work with the rest of your timeline. All you will have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy getting pampered!

Anything else you want readers to know?

I just love what I do, and I want every client who chooses to have their special occasion here in Sayulita to be able to get premium service with a relaxed atmosphere. I want the “getting ready” part to be just as fun as the rest of their big day.

To find more information or to contact Jenn Chivers with questions or bookings, please visit her Sayulita Life Web-Page.


*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri