Decembers Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5000 Donation: Centro de Reciclaje Sayulita
Sayulita Life gives back to the community every month by donating $5,000 to a local cause or charity in need. Sayulita Life has chosen Centro de Reciclaje Sayulita as the recipient this month.

December 3rd marks the start of the annual fundraising drive for the local nonprofit recycling program, Centro de Reciclaje Sayulita (CRS). In its fourth year, the recycling program continues evolving and growing to meet the needs of Sayulita! This year’s fundraising drive is crucial to 1) make up for lost revenue during COVID, when the program never closed, 2) ensure that the program can continue in 2022.
Did you know?
- Approximately 60% of the trash we produce could actually be recycled.
- About 35 TONS of glass are recycled each year. We need to do more.
- About ONE TON of plastic is recycled each month in Sayulita! Still, so many bottles get thrown in the trash instead of in recycling containers.
- While the local government provides trash services to our county, no recycling services are provided or funded by the government.
- The local program’s budget is approximately 25,000 USD per year; expenses include workers, rent for our sorting and storage facility (called the acopio), gas and vehicle maintenance.
- Recycling services are free to the community! (There is a private pick-up service for a nominal fee and these fees cover about 45% of the center’s budget.)

Donations are needed to cover 55% of the program’s budget!
You can help! Make a donation today to keep Sayulita recycling! These donations are tax-deductible in the US. Donations can be made online by following this link. Here in town? No problem feel free to drop by our donation boxes sponsored by MexHome, Beachside Realty, and MiniSuper Chewbacca. You will also find donation boxes at the Mercado on December 3rd and 10th.
How does the Sayulita recycling program work?
- PET plastics, glass, metal, and cardboard can be recycled!
- Items should be empty and separated from other trash to be able to be recycled. For example, finish that soda before putting the plastic bottle in the recycling.
- There are about 40 pick-up locations in town for recycled items – some public and some private. Recycling bins are 120 centimeters high, made of wire fence material. Look for them!
- In addition, Punto Verde (Green Point) is the weekly community education and collection site for recyclables, each Saturday, 9-11 am on the corner of Carretera Punta de Mita and Calle Tortuga. It is a great place to come ask recycling questions and bring your items!
Please consider recycling your PET plastic, glass, metal, and cardboard. Visit the Centro de Reciclaje Sayulita FaceBook page for more info.

While many countries have simply given up on recycling, due to cost and effort, Mexico is still in the game. OnePart of the reason that Mexico can continue recycling is that the country has chosen to only recycle items that can be processed in this country. This keeps costs down and use up! For example, that wine bottle you just usedused, it will could be sent to a factory in MexicoMexcio City to be ground down and formed into new glasses. Theat plastic coke bottle you just emptied drank- couldthat will be sent to Guadalaja and shredded, melted and formed into carpets or tires. All it takes is RECYCLING.
We need your help to keep diverting tons and tons of recyclable items from the landfill! From December 3 – 12th, support the nonprofit recycling program for our community by making a donation at:
- Friday market, 10:00 – 2:00, Fridays December 3rd & 10th
- Beachside Real Estate, Calle Revolución 30, just south of the river in town
- MexHome Realty, Calle Revolucion 25, just south of the river in town
- MiniSuper Chewbacca, Calle Miramar 26, on the north side
- Online with a credit card Here
While many countries have simply given up on recycling, due to cost and effort, Mexico is still in the game. OnePart of the reason that Mexico can continue recycling is that the country has chosen to only recycle items that can be processed in this country. This keeps costs down and use up! For example, that wine bottle you just emptied could be sent to a factory in Mexico City to be ground down and formed into new glasses. That plastic bottle of Coke you just drank will be sent to Guadalajara, shredded, melted, and formed into carpets or tires. All it takes is RECYCLING.

Together we will sustain and expand this program, divert recyclables from our streets and trash cans into a better future for all.

Edited by Amy Rose Pearson