
Gavilanes Vigilantes – Sayulita’s Sanitary Checkpoint

Gavilanes Vigilantes – Sayulita’s Sanitary Checkpoint

Updates on Sayulita’s sanitary check-points coordinated and ran by Sayulita’s Gavilanes.

Statistics: April 3rd to 17th. 360 hours and 15 days of labor

Team: 8 coordinators, 50 volunteers

Tourists denied access to date: approx. 1500

Who can enter into Sayulita? 

  • Locals, residents and neighboring towns
  • Employees of necessary businesses – pharmacies, hospitals, tiendas
  • Delivery/Providers (must be registered)
  • Employees and owners of commercial services
  • Property managers
  • Security
  • Transportation services
  • Public services
  • Construction workers (standards have been agreed to with most contractors to limit the number of workers entering & exiting town)

Approved Businesses 

  • Drinking water vendors
  • Restaurants offering food to go
  • Tiendas
  • Public Transportation (under revision)
  • Freight transport
  • Pharmacies, post office, hardware stores.

Disapproved Businesses 

  • Hotel, Hostel, Vacation Rentals
  • Bars & night clubs
  • Gyms
  • Events
  • Camping

How You Can Help

  • Stay home
  • Volunteer
  • Donate or prepare food/drinks
  • Donate equipment
  • Donate money : Paypal: donationsgavilanesvigilantes@gmail.com


See original post here