
Featured Sayulita Business: Real Tequila

Featured Sayulita Business: Real Tequila

Real Tequila in Sayulita, Mexico distributes 100% pure blue agave distilled tequila with zero additives sourced by the finest tequila experts across Mexico. Real Tequila has compiled the best selection of tequila while preserving its culture and ensuring 100% agave flavor with zero additives. Jeff Hines, owner of Real Tequila kindly shared a little bit about himself and his business.

  1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? 

My name is Jeff Hines and I am from Calgary Alberta. I have owned property in Sayulita for 25 years and am currently building our forever home in Patzcuarito. 

2. How did you land in Sayulita? 

My first trip to Sayulita was in 2000 and I took the bus from the Vallarta resorts to look at the surf break. I had a VERY large margarita on the beach and knew instantly that Sayulita was a special place. 6 weeks later I purchased a house. 

3. How long have you lived in Sayulita? What is your favorite part?

I have spent a lot of time in Sayulita since 2000 but have lived here mostly part time for the last three years. 

4. Can you tell me about what inspired you to start your business?

For the last 14 years I have had a growing chain of Mexican restaurants in Canada whose inspiration came directly from Sayulita.  They are called ‘Anejo restaurant and Bar’ and ‘Blanco Cantina’.  The restaurants started in Calgary but have since grown across Canada. When I moved to Sayulita permanently I brought my knowledge of Tequila and my passion for ‘additive free tequila’ and have been sharing my love of the spirit with local restaurants. 

5. What services do you offer? 

We distribute Additive Free Tequila throughout Mexico to restaurants and bars but also sell retail through our website www.realtequila.mx  Many visitors come to Bucerias, Sayulita and San Pancho and want a great tequila upon their arrival.  We provide that service. 

6. Tell me a bit about your background with this industry?

Anejo and Blanco in Canada are essentially Tequila Bars. We grew the offerings in Calgary from a meager 37 brands in 2010 to currently we stock more than 275 tequilas and mezcals. During my time in the restaurants I was able to spend a large amount of time in Tequila Jalisco and had the luxury of getting to know many of the Tequileros and distilleries. I worked directly with my friends in Tequila to start RealTequila.MX

7. How long has your business been in operation? 

We started in a grassroots organic way last October and have since grown to supply most of the restaurants and bars in Sayulita and Bucerias. We are now working to grow our market share in PV and beyond. 

8. What does your business offer that separates it from the rest? 

At Real tequila we have a very knowledgeable staff who work closely with the Distilleries.  We only represent additive free tequilas and use our platform to educate bar + service staff of the benefits, which range from the farm all the way to the shot glass. Large tequila companies are not responsibly sustainable and we want to help protect the culture and spirit. 

9. What are your future plans for your business? Any new goals? 

In the future we plan to open retail stores and a discovery center to promote additive-free tequila and other Mexican spirits that are sustainable and responsible for the land. 

10. Can you share a happy memory with a client? 

One of my favorite experiences in the Tequila industry was sharing Dia De Los Muertos with my friend Guillermo Sauza of Fortaleza.  He is 5th generation Tequilero from the infamous Sauza family. 

11. Is there anything special that you want to share? 

Help us help the land and legacy of Tequila by choosing additive Free tequilas. You can find the list at The Tequila Matchmaker @TequilaMatch and follow us @realtequila.mx
