
Featured Business: Glow Sound and Healing

Featured Business: Glow Sound and Healing

Hi Rosie! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m from the UK and I’ve lived in Sayulita for 3 years now. I’m a Sound Healer, Reiki Master and coach helping people follow their soul’s path and create a life doing what they really love.

What got you into sound healing and Reiki?
I was a musician growing up and went to University to study as a singer, but in my first year found out I had a hole in my vocal chords and I could no longer sing. I totally lost music from my life and didn’t sing in front of anyone for 10 years. I lost my path for a long time and went into a career in social media, living in London and working in a corporate job which led me to anxiety, stress and getting burnt out, as well as getting stuck in toxic relationships and unhealthy habits with alcohol. Yoga became the thing that kept me sane and started opening me up to my spiritual path. I started running my own marketing agency and in 2018 took a trip to Bali to work remote and finally escape an abusive relationship, which turned into a 6 month journey of healing and deciding to be a digital nomad. I trained to be a yoga teacher and started going to sound baths and energy healing sessions to help myself heal. This was when I first experienced the healing power of the crystal bowls, and it was like a little voice turned on in my head that told me: “you have to learn to play the crystal bowls. This is going to be how you get music back into your life.” Not long after, I moved to LA and went to my first sound healing training….that’s when it all started!  In one of my first sound baths, I started to sing, and through working with sound I healed my voice and it’s become one of my most powerful tools as a healer!

How long have you been practicing?
I took my first training 4 years ago, but it was in 2020 that I realized this was my dream and I decided to go all-in and take my sound healing business full time.

When did you first discover Sayulita?
I came to Sayulita at the end of 2020, I was traveling and teaching yoga and sound healing in Mexico and a friend told me to check out Sayulita. I thought I’d just come for a month and try it out….and never left!

What about Sayulita inspired you to start your business here?
As soon as I arrived in Sayulita, I felt like I’d found everything I was looking for. It was the community that inspired me the most, I realized this was a place where people wanted to come to experience these kinds of practices and look for relaxation and healing! I loved the wellness community and how welcoming it felt…and as soon as I arrived opportunities started to open up for me to build my business here!

Can you tell us about the services you provide and how your business stands out from others?
My main offerings are sound healing and reiki energy healing, especially sunset soundbaths on the beach! I offer private group sessions for tourists, retreats and events (lots of people book me for their bachelorette trips or weddings!) as well as monthly public events around the Full Moon!

I am the only practitioner in town using alchemy crystal bowls, the most powerful range of crystal bowls infused with other crystals and precious metals to create the most magical sound quality! You can really hear and feel the difference when you experience these beautiful bowls. I also use my voice and singing to channel energy and take people into an even deeper state of meditation and healing. My 1:1 sessions work with your energy on a unique personal level to create powerful energy shifts and transformation – I have many clients who experience big shifts in their life and how they feel after coming for a session!

I have worked with 1000s of clients for healing sessions and have spent years deepening my craft and becoming an expert in sound healing. I am now a teacher and mentor for other healers, offering Sound Healing Trainings here in Sayulita and online for people who want to learn to work with sound themselves! 

Can you do in-home visits and 1:1 sessions?
Yes! I host 1:1s and small group bookings in my beautiful home on the North Side overlooking the ocean (it’s the most magical place for sunset sessions!) or can come to you at your home or vacation rental!

How can one expect to feel after a session with you?
Sound frequencies have the power to completely shift your nervous system so people often feel more relaxed than they’ve ever felt, or like they’ve shifted into a completely new state of being! My work with sound and energy helps you to change your own internal frequency and you’ll often feel like a big shift has happened after a session. I love helping people connect back to themselves through the sessions I guide, moving any stuck energy and releasing anything that might have been holding you back. A lot of my work is around helping you connect to your purpose and highest self, so people often experience greater clarity after a session, helping them move forward in their lives.

Any fond memories with a client here in Sayulita that you would like to share?
There are so many! I’ve shared 100s (maybe even 1000s) of sessions in Sayulita now and every time it still feels so magical! I feel so grateful to have been able to work with so many clients here in Sayulita, every session is so unique in it’s own way! One of my favourite sound bath memories has to be a full moon beach session I did, when after sunset a thunderstorm started. No one got up to leave, and the crystal bowl sounds combined with the thunder and lightning going on around us created one of the most powerful experiences for everyone! It was definitely a one of a kind experience for the group that were there!

Anything else you would like to add?
I feel forever grateful for finding this beautiful town and community and that it’s enabled me to create such a beautiful life and business as a sound healer! Thank you Sayulita!