
Extraordinary Measures To Limit The Circulation Of Automotive Vehicles In Nayarit

Extraordinary Measures To Limit The Circulation Of Automotive Vehicles In Nayarit

The government of Nayarit released an official report Thursday, April 16th announcing that effective April 20th, extraordinary measures will be put into place to limit the amount of vehicle circulation in Nayarit in an effort to mitigate the massive spread of COVID-19.

According to official data, as of  April 16th, there were 31 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Nayarit and 6 deaths. 23 more are suspected, 189 negative cases and 7 recovered cases.

The following restrictions on the circulation of vehicles will be effective April 20th 2020 until further notice:

No more than two people can ride together in a private motor vehicle. The second person must ride in the back of the vehicle.

The presence of more than two people will be permitted if the driver is transferring elderly, dependent minors, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable to attend issues of assistance, health, and care.

The government of Nayarit has decided to limit the movement of private motor vehicles in the state 7 days a week. Permitted vehicle movement is based on the last number on the vehicle’s license plate.

Monday – License plates ending in 1 & 2 may not circulate

Tuesday – License plates ending in 3 & 4 may not circulate

Wednesday – License plates ending in 5 & 6 may not circulate

Thursday – License plates ending in 7 & 8 may not circulate

Friday – License plates ending in 9 & 0 may not circulate

Saturday – License plates ending in 1,3,5,7,9 may not circulate

Sunday – License plates ending in 2,4,6,8,0 may not circulate

Vehicles include but are not limited to: Automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and scooters.

In accordance with the above restrictions, vehicle circulation will reduce by 20% Monday-Friday and by 50% Saturday and Sunday in relation to the total of private vehicles being 484,176 in Nayarit.

Public transportation is considered an essential service and will continue to operate under preventive measures for cleaning and sanitation at least twice a day. Passengers must maintain social distancing.

In the case of taxis or private transportation, only one passenger per unit will be permitted in addition to the driver except in exceptional cases justified by the authorities. Use of facemasks and antibacterial gel is required.

Effective April 20th, 2020.