
El Centro Creativo- The Recycled Art Show & Other News


El Centro Creativo- The Recycled Art Show & Other News

By now, I am hoping many of you have already heard about our new creative and cultural center. If not, there are no more excuses! The first official event of El Centro will be on December 6th, 2018, at Manuel Plasencia from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Remember where Festival Sayulita has its concerts? That’s the place! The lovely Quinta Trujillo property is the home of El Centro and where the event will be held. The event will be a perfect opportunity to get to know El Centro and all the associated activities. The evening will feature a Recycled Art Show; all of the proceeds from the event will directly benefit El Centro by going toward funding its classes and services. Demonstrations during the show will include the glass cutting area, the newly built plastic shredding machine (yes, we can now recycle plastic!), the welding program, and lots of information about the language programs and children’s workshops.

El Centro Creativo seeks to provide a space where all community members can come together to celebrate our community and to inspire each other. El Centro, founded by Festival Sayulita, began its work over a year ago doing workshops with local school children. Primarias from both Sayulita and San Ignacio came together twice a week to build art from recycled objects, to play, and most importantly, to build relationships. These activities still continue today and have built a foundation of other activities for local children, including music lessons, an expanded art program, and of course, the continuation of a weekly movie and game night. This year, El Centro has expanded to begin to provide creative and cultural experiences for adults, including language classes, cultural exchanges, and a budding art program. More is coming as well!

El Centro is lucky enough to have Julio Cabrera and Coral Cadman playing music on December 6th, 2018. Julio is a regular at the San Pancho Music Festival and Julio and Coral play regularly at KM5.  Both El Mar and Tierra Viva will be providing snacks during the event, and drinks will be on sale for those who want. El Fuente has graciously offered to serve aguas, and Festival Sayulita along with Miro Vino will also be supplying drinks. This will be a special evening for all! Tickets will be on sale during the Mercado del Pueblo this Friday, or they can be purchased at the event itself.

We look forward to seeing you there!



*Written by: Lina Weissman