
Areias Leather in Sayulita- Unique, One of a Kind Leather Bags & Jewelry

areias leather sayulita

Areias Leather in Sayulita- Unique, One of a Kind Leather Bags & Jewelry

Sayulita is known for being a community full of artists and creativity everywhere you look. We see this all over our town, in our vibrancy, our decorations on the streets, the murals painted on walls, and even our stores. One of those in particular that stands out, is Areias Leather. Areias Leather in Sayulita makes specialty accessories and beautiful hand-crafted jewelry pieces out of high-end leather. Each piece is handmade, and therefore one-of-a-kind. The owners, Sandra and Amaranta, tell me more about their custom creations.

Hi Sandra & Amaranta. Can you tell readers a bit about your story- what brought you both to Sayulita, and how did you end up collaborating for Areias Leather? 

We arrived in Sayulita in the same year in 2003. Sandra came from Argentina, and I (Amaranta) from Brazil with my mother and brothers. Shortly after arriving and in those years, we all sort of became a big family in Sayulita, and we decided to gather our talents- the jewelry making from my mom, Susana, Sandra, who already had her Sand leather creations, and I had my Amaranta brand; art made with macrame and crochet. So, with our talents combined, we founded “Areias doMar”, which means “sand of the Sea” in Portuguese. Then in 2007, we went through some changes and became “Areias Leather”, and now we are only myself and Sandra who design and make all of our productions. We also now work with a woman named Cristi, who has become a collaborator, who helps us with a machine to do the interiors and sewing of some of the products.

Can you tell readers about the types of pieces you make and what makes them special?

We carry a variety of styles of quality leather bags, as well as some jewelry. Every piece is unique because it is handmade. I say the pieces are unique because each one is cut and made personally,  meaning each piece has some different detail in it. Although the overall style may be the same, there is always something that differentiates it from another piece; it may be the type of finish or the color of the lining, but there is always something different about our products, just like each grain of sand, it has its own particularity.

Where does your inspiration for the designs come from?

Our inspiration is the majestic nature that surrounds us- the colors of the jungle, the sea, the skies, and the possibility of doing what we love in our little paradise called Sayulita.

Where is your shop located, and how else can interested customers find your products?

We have our little workshop at Rio Zarquito Street #68 in downtown Sayulita, and we are open from 11:00 a.m.  to 4:00 p.m. during the week. We also can cater to scheduled appointments for clients coming from other places that want specialized or customized pieces. Something that we really love and is very fun for us to do, are in-home showings, and private trunk shows. We also make special orders, and will do shipments worldwide when customers purchase from our website! Another place to find our products is at Olas Altas in Puerto Vallarta every Saturday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Plaza Lazaro Cardenas in the “zona romantica”, or the romantic area. We would love to visit us at our store or make an appointment to come in and enjoy our creations. In addition to our website, you can also visit us on Facebook, Instagram, @areias_leather, and finally through our Sayulita Life Web Page.


*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri