April’s Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation*: El Centro Creativo’s Community Theater Event

april donation el centro

April’s Recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation*: El Centro Creativo’s Community Theater Event

This month’s recipient of Sayulita Life’s $5,000 donation goes towards El Centro Creativo and their community theatre event. This year, El Centro wanted to put together a free theatre performance for the community of Sayulita as part of the culmination of the children’s theatre camp they run each year. In order to do so, they tracked down several top actors and actresses from Mexico City, and asked them to bring their skills and talents to the stage here in Sayulita for our enjoyment. Sayulita Life’s donation will go toward purchasing the flights for these actors in order to ensure their ability to come to our little pueblo, help teach and guide our youth, and put on a stellar performance for the whole town to enjoy, once it is safe to travel and gather in large groups again. 

For those that don’t know, El Centro Creativo is a non-profit community center here in Sayulita that is dedicated to serving Sayulita’s youth by creating free opportunities for community connection, through art, sports, and other organized activities in Sayulita. They primarily offer workshops and events for Sayulita’s youth from primary through secondary age groups, however they also help to organize or create projects that serve or enrich our community as a whole.

For the third year in a row, El Centro Creativo will run a children’s camp during the weeks of Semana Santa. Our local Sayulita kids and families love this camp! This year, El Centro is bringing down an actress / experienced drama teacher from Mexico City, and has asked her to bring two fellow actors along with her, in order for them to create and put on a free performance/show at El Centro for the whole community of Sayulita! All of these actors are donating their free time to prepare for and put on this event, but El Centro needed help in covering the expenses of flights and accommodations for the actors coming to Sayulita. 

The performance will be a live play, titled “Destrozado,”  which means “Shattered.” The show is a tragi-comedy and has an anecdotal tone for the whole family to enjoy. It is the story of Marquis Evando Maldonado, who becomes destroyed by war, and when he returns to this hometown, he must face the reality of a new, destroyed world. Before this main performance, some of the kids from El Centro’s theatre camp will also present their final work to the audience from what they’ve learned and prepared during their camp and workshops.

Sayulita Life committed to supporting El Centro and giving this donation before news broke about the COVID-19 pandemic. Because this performance is the culmination of the kid’s theatre camp program which typically runs during Semana Santa, the performance is (tentatively) planned for April 18th, 2020, starting at 8:00 p.m.. Hopefully by that time it will be safe again to gather in groups and be out of the home. However, we will let you know if this date changes or the performance is pushed back, depending on what happens over the course of the next few weeks.

Thank you to El Centro for its dedication in serving our community, and for enriching the lives of our Sayulita youth and their families. We look forward to this show!

For more information about El Centro Creativo, please visit their Facebook page.

*Since its founding in 2004, SayulitaLife.com has been dedicated to giving back to the community of Sayulita. In our 15th year as a company, Sayulita Life has created the “Giving Fund”, where we have pledged to donate $5,000 pesos EVERY MONTH to a local charity or cause. Read more at https://www.sayulitalife.com/giving-back.


*Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri