April’s Recipient for Sayulita Life’s $5,000 Donation: Ricardo at Coffee on the Corner
Sayulita Life’s April $5,000 Donation goes to a very loved local, Ricardo, owner of Coffee on the Corner. Ricardo was recently diagnosed with cancer and is in need of financial support for six chemotherapy treatments.
Along with supporting Ricardo’s medical needs, we hope the donation will help relieve some stress from Ricardo and Alejandra, his wife. For anyone unfamiliar, Coffee on the Corner is a family run coffee shop, established in 2013. For years, the family ran the Paninos on Calle Delfines. Locals know this family for their great service and attitude, constantly showing the town that they are more than happy to make everyone’s favorite daily drinks.
The financial support is beyond appreciated as each chemo session costs 19,000 pesos with medicine cost on top of that. Ricardo has undergone 3 chemotherapy sessions and has 3 sessions left. Depending on how his health improves after the 6 sessions, there may be a need for more.
If you wish to donate to this cause you can stop by Coffee on the Corner or donate to the PayPal account with the email jgculp2012@gmail.com that has been set up for him. All of your donations and support will be greatly appreciated!

– Ricardo & Alejandra