Amor de Mar Dinner Cruises in Sayulita

Amor de Mar Dinner Cruises in Sayulita

Part of what makes Sayulita so magical is our location directly by the sea. With this comes the opportunity to experience all sorts of interesting activities connected to nature and the ocean. Amor de Mar Dinner Cruises in Sayulita offer a once-in-a-lifetime experience of fine-dining while cruising the water with breathtaking sights and sounds. Owner Darrin Rath gives details about the cruises & overall experience that Amor de Mar has to offer.

What is included in the menu on Amor de Mar’s Dinner Cruise?

The Amor de Mar Dinner Cruise starts off with appetizers, followed by a three course meal including Salad. The main menu varíes, normally through communication with guests. Before the  cruise I ask their preference to chicken, fish  or Rib Eye Steak. Dessert is also served after dinner.

What other amenities are offered or included in the cruise?

Included in a trip is an open bar for guests with specialty drinks. Furthermore, as the whales are here in full force, we do a bit of whale watching prior to anchoring off of a private beach where we put the floating lily pad and paddle boards in the water for guests to enjoy while the chef starts preparing the evening’s dinner.

What is the boat like?

Sayula 1 is a custom built 50 foot trimaran that has been converted into a virtual floating restaurant. It’s a very stable boat, has lots of deck space, and has comfortable deck cushions and pillows to lounge on. It also features a high-end surround sound stereo system, teak dining tables, and a large spacious bathroom on board.

How can guests book a dinner cruise or get more information?

Guests can book via email. For same-day reservations, a phone call is best, and can be achieved by calling 322 198 9630. We can take up to 20 guests per cruise or as little as 2 people. The price is in accordance to the number of guests. My website is being designed as we speak, and that will be It will be set up so that a reservation can be booked directly through the website also.

Is there anything else you’d like readers to know?

The boat is very kid friendly. Also, as said in the reviews you may have read, the cruise is a must-do-experience in Sayulita, and has been the highlight of most people who have visited Sayulita. Readers can see guest reviews, get more information, or make reservations by visiting our Sayulita Life Web Page.

Written by: Aanya Sheikh-Taheri