I absolutely love condiments! Don’t you? Mayonnaise has to be one of my favorites, but when I looked at the list of ingredients, I realized that it would be so very easy to make in my Sayulita kitchen! So, I decided to attempt making Homemade Mayonnaise and found that it is so very simple to make and comes out perfectly each and every time!
Hopefully you have, or have bought, the stick blender I mentioned in my last column, as this kitchen tool will come in handy when making this recipe.
- 1 egg that you just removed from the refrigerator
- 2-3 teaspoons fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice or vinegar of your choice. I used apple cider vinegar because it is good for you and can be found in most of our Sayulita tiendas. Alas Blancas carries it.
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup extra light olive oil or grapeseed oil. I bought organic grapeseed oil at Costco in Puerto Vallarta (a little over an hour from Sayulita).
- 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
- Some people like the taste of their mayonnaise with dijon mustard; my taste prefers it without the mustard, but you can add up to 1 Tablespoon, if you desire.
A stick blender, sometimes called an immersion blender. I was so pleased to find this at the Walmart in Puerto Vallarta.
- A narrow glass jar that is just wide enough for the the stick blender to fit to the bottom.
- Add all the above ingredients, with egg being the 1st ingredient added
- With stick blender in OFF position, push it to the bottom of the jar
- Turn ON power button and hold it without moving until you see your mayonnaise beginning to emulsify, thicken. It Is Like Magic Before Your Eyes! You will see this beautifully creamy mayonnaise slowly making its way to the top of the jar!
- Slowly raise up the blender until all the oil is well combined. Move the blender up and down and around for a few seconds to be sure that every last drop of oil has been incorporated.
* Mira! Fantastic mayonnaise in about 25 seconds! You will be so impressed with yourself. I sure was the first time I did this. Now, I always have fresh made mayonnaise stored in my refrigerator.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Stay tuned for my next column... yummy Egg Nog and Candied Spiced Pecans. Just in time to make in your Sayulita kitchen for Christmas Eve!