Feb 03 2017

Gabriel Jones, a familiar face around the magical town of Sayulita. But who is he? What drives the man behind “Casa Vecino Guesthouse”? The (love) story started in Canada, nine years ago, when Gabriel and his wife Wendy came to Sayulita for their first wedding anniversary. Although the town was much quieter then, it still has the same magical aura as it had then. “We loved it then and still love it now,” states Gabriel.

They returned to Canada refreshed and resumed their busy big city lives. Then a few years later they realized that their schedules had become so hectic that they were missing out on what was really important. They were ready for a new start and a new life in Mexico. A life where they would have time for love. Love for each other, for the community, and for the less fortunate.

"Wendy, has always been my true inspiration," says Gabriel, with a loving smile on his face. “She put herself through university and worked as a nurse with children diagnosed with cancer for years. Her kindness and hard work have made our dreams come true and make me want to be a better person”. With the help of a business partner, the couple managed to buy their first property a year and a half ago. This was the very beginning of what is now Casa Vecino Guesthouse.


Saving Animals 

Gabriel, or Gabe for the locals, is a soft soul. He has a genuine heart that goes out to the weakest of society. The ones that cannot speak for themselves. He is actively involved with SayulitAnimals, an organization in charge of rescuing the dogs and cats of Sayulita. Gabe and his wife regularly open up their home to foster these beautiful, but helpless animals.


Keeping Sayulita Clean

Gabe is also very passionate about keeping Sayulita clean. He organizes regular clean-ups, creating awareness and motivating people to move to the center of the court instead of watching from the sidelines. He has gathered a diverse group of people, local and expat, who devote their time and energy keeping Sayulita clean for all of us. The success of this project, l believe, lays in the sincerity of his intentions. Everything he does, he does with a smile. With joy. With a dream, a vision. And isn’t that what we all want? To be part of a dream?

If you feel inspired to make a difference. Join Gabe’s Facebook group, ‘Sayulita Neighborhood Clean Up’ and look for upcoming events. Like Ghandi once said: ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’.


Thank you, Gabe, for making Sayulita a better place!